a history of Matrimandir, the "soul of Auroville", 1965-1973
comp. by Gilles G.
Auroville--Architecture Matrimandir Auroville--History--Sources
Essays über das Matrimandir
Ruud Lohman ; aus dem Englischen von Frank Weber
Auroville--Architecture Matrimandir
During Mother's lifetime; a comprehensive compilation of Mother's known words and other documents
ed. by Gilles Guigan
Auroville authors Auroville--Architecture Matrimandir Auroville--History--Sources
the soul of Auroville
Aurovillin anma
edited and compiled by K. Varadarajan, R. Meenakshi, and Thillai Ganapathy.
Matrimandir Auroville Auroville
Auroville--Architecture Matrimandir
Auroville--Architecture Matrimandir
Un hymne aux bâtisseurs du futur / Hymn to the builders of the future
Auroville--History Auroville--Architecture Matrimandir Photographs--Architecture and settlements Photographs--Auroville
the treasure of the flame-island
Auroville authors Auroville--Fiction Comics and cartoons--Juvenile Matrimandir
garden and flowers
Matrimandir Auroville--Gardens and parks Flowers--Spiritual significance
moments in etenity
Auroville--Architecture Matrimandir Auroville authors Auroville--Pictorial works Photographs--Auroville
August 1970 - February 1977
Matrimandir Auroville--Architecture Photographs--Auroville
phot. Ireno Guerci
Auroville--Architecture Matrimandir Photographs--Architecture and settlements Photographs--Landscapes Auroville--Pictorial works
a sequence of development
Auroville--Gardens and parks Matrimandir
[no 1.1998 - 11.2003]
The universal mother
Matrimandir Auroville--Philosophical background
Alla ricerca dell'armonia
In search of harmony
Caterina Napoleone
Painters--Italian Artists--Italian Auroville--Architecture Matrimandir Bi-Lingual edition--English and Italian
Orwin Avalon
Spiritual life--Hinduism Auroville--Mentionings in non-fiction Matrimandir
Auroville--Architecture Auroville--Pictorial works Photographs--Auroville Auroville authors Matrimandir
a compilation of personal experiences
Auroville--Architecture Matrimandir Auroville authors Auroville--Personal narrative
ஆரோளில்லின் ஆன்மா
Matrimandir, the soul of Auroville
edited and compiled by K. Varadarajan, R. Meenakshi, and Thillai Ganapathy.
Matrimandir Auroville--Architecture
ஆரோவில்லின் ஆன்மா
Auroville authors Auroville--Architecture Auroville--Philosophical background Matrimandir