Guardians of beings

Title Guardians of beings
Author words by Eckhart Tolle; art by Patrick McDonnell
Publication Hay House
Size 114p
Language ENG ENG
ISBN 9781401924317
Topics Aphorisms and apothegms
Spiritual life--Quotations, maxims, etc
Dogs (animal husbandry)
Human-animal relationships
Comics and cartoons--Animals
Notes This wonderfully unique collaboration brings together two masters of their fields, joining original words by spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle with delightful illustrations by Patrick McDonnell, the creator of the acclaimed comic strip . Every heartwarming page provokes thought, insight, and smiling reverence for all beings and each moment. More than a collection of witty and charming drawings, the marriage of Patrick McDonnell's art and Eckhart Tolle's words conveys a profound love of nature, of animals, of humans, of all life-forms. celebrates and reminds us of not only the oneness of all life but also the wonder and joy to be found in the present moment, amid the beauty we sometimes forget to notice all around us.
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