The cosmopolitans

Title The cosmopolitans
Author Anum Hasan
Publication Hamish Hamilton
Size 385p
Language ENG ENG
ISBN 9780670088263
Topics Indian fiction--Arts
Indian fiction--Love
Indian fiction--Philosophical
Notes Qayenaat is a drifting, solitary, sensitivefigure at the edge of the Bangalore art scene. When world-famous artist Baban Reddy, once a young man who hung on her every word, returns to the city to show his latest artwork, all her old longings rise to the surface. Baban’s arrival accompanies other momentous events and sets Qayenaat off on the most unexpected journey of her life—to the heart of rural, war-torn India, and into a relationship with the unlikeliest of men. The Cosmopolitans is a novel of ideas and emotions—one that questions the place of art in modern life, and draws a vivid portrait of a woman at odds with the world. Tender and wry in equal measure, and rich in thought and insight,
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