She swiped right into my heart

Title She swiped right into my heart
Author Sudeep Nagarkar
Publication Penguin India
Size 226p
Language ENG ENG
ISBN 9788184007459
Topics Indian fiction--English
Indian fiction--Love
Age group--Youth (10-18)
Notes Every girl needs just one man to prove that not all men are the same!! Shibani, an extreme feminist who feels all men are same is a biker by passion and a BFF to Geet, one of the most unpopular girls in the college who is often tagged as a ‘Nerd’ or a ‘Freak’. To win the popularity vote, Geet strikes an unusual deal with college hottie Rudra – to be her ‘Fake Boyfriend’. Will the deal backfire? Tushita, deceived by love only finds her prince in the diary she writes. Vivaan, an endangered species of ‘Friend’ who can accept even your candy crush request. Do people like them even exist? An unlikely truth about Shibani unfolds and as misunderstandings and jealousies take centre stage, each one of them must make a decision that will not just affect their own life, but also those of their loved ones! She Swiped Right Into My Heart is an unconventional story not just about love or relationship but which will send chills down your spine breaking preconceived notion of a stereotypical society that you are Straight!
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