The Penguin book of classical Indian love stories and lyrics

Title The Penguin book of classical Indian love stories and lyrics
Author ed. by Ruskin Bond
Publication Penguin India
Size XV, 243p
Language ENG ENG
ISBN 0140258876
Topics Indian fiction--Miscellaneous
Indian fiction--Anthologies
Indian fiction--Translated into English
Indian fiction--Love
Indian poetry--Translated into English
Notes A compilation of love stories and poems from the classical literature and folklore of India. In addition to well-known works like Kalidasa's Meghadutam and Adigal's Shilappadikaram, the collection features lesser-known writers of ancient India like Damodaragupta. Also featured are charming stories of Hindu gods and goddesses in love, and 19th century retellings of folk tales from different regions of the country like Kashmir, Punjab, Maharashtra and Rajasthan.
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