Shiva and Arun

Title Shiva and Arun
Author P. Parivaraj
Publication Gay Men's Pr.
Size 156p
Language ENG ENG
ISBN 0854492658
Topics Indian fiction--English
Indian fiction--Erotic
Indian fiction--Love
Gay men--Fiction
Notes In the south Indian town of Chitana, two boys discover early on the joys of sex; but how can they confront the compulsion of marriage? Shiva's family are upper-caste Brahmins; his father is the temple pujari, a wealthy hereditary priest. He plans to break away from home and tradition, but he finds his life in turmoil when his marriage is arranged. His schoolfriend Arun faces similar problems, but straggles through to a lifestyle of his choice, while Shiva succumbs to family pressures. Shot through with sex and humour, this tale offers a keen insight into the contradictory pressures of life in India today.
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