The lovers

Title The lovers
a novel
Immigrant, Montana
Author Amitava Kumar
Publication Aleph
Size 255p
Language ENG ENG
ISBN 9789386021007
Topics Indian fiction--English
Indian fiction--Love
Notes Ehsaan Ali (modelled on the real-life Eqbal Ahmad). Manifest in AK’s first years and first loves is the wild enthusiasm of youth, its idealism, chaotic desires and confusions. A decidedly modern novel that melds story and reportage, anecdote and annotation, picture and text, fragment and essay, The Lovers reminds us of the works of John Berger and Teju Cole. Funny, meditative, and shot through with waves of longing, the book explores feelings of discomfort about cultural misunderstandings and the lack of clarity between men and women. At heart though, it is an investigation of love—‘love despite, or in spite of; love beyond and across dividing lines’.
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