A handbook for my lover

Title A handbook for my lover
Author Rosalyn D'Mello
Publication Harper Collins India
Size 231p
Language ENG ENG
ISBN 9789351776406
Topics Indian fiction--English
Indian fiction--Love
Indian fiction--Erotic
Notes ‘I wish I had never met you. You’ve been nothing but an inconvenience.’ Part kitchen-sink realism and part rumination on the nature of love, A Handbook For My Lover is a revealing and explicit memoir of a young Indian woman’s erotic affair with a photographer thirty years her senior. With prose that is charged with intensity and sensuality, this candid exploration of love, lust and becoming heralds a provocative new talent in contemporary Indian literature – one of an independent woman unafraid of her sexuality. Rosalyn D’Mello is India’s Anais Nin. The modern Indian woman’s journey into self-awareness through sex, heartache, desire and fulfilment has found a brave new voice in Rosalyn D’Mello. [goodreads.com]
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